Geology for Global Development

Robert Emberson

Robert Emberson is a Postodctoral Fellow at NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, working to understand landslide risk in real-time. Robert is a keen advocate for science communication and open science. Previously Associated Editor at Nature Geoscience, freelance science writer and PhD at GFZ Potsdam. Robert can be contacted via Twitter (@RobertEmberson) or via his website (

Necessary Evils in Transitioning to a Sustainable Future

Necessary Evils in Transitioning to a Sustainable Future

Robert Emberson can’t help but wondering how geoscience, whilst having great potential for helping sustainable development, has been fueling polluting industries for centuries. Should geoscientists shy away completely from engaging with traditional industries? What are their roles and geoscientists’ roles in transitioning to a more sustainable world? [Editor’s note: This post reflects ...[Read More]

Private solutions, public science: how to bridge the gap?

Private solutions, public science: how to bridge the gap?

The urgency around many sustainability issues leads some billionaire investors to throw caution in the wind, frustrated with the pace of academic research. Robert Emberson sympathises with private projects like the Ocean Cleanup, even when things go wrong. ‘How’, he asks, ‘might we build a constructive bridge between ambitious entrepreneurs and scientific sceptics? ‘ Reading and writing about sust ...[Read More]