Geology for Global Development

Conference: Geophysics in Future Energy Challenges

The British Geophysical Association is hosting a two day conference on the 14th and 15th of February, 2013. The focus of the conference will be the use of geophysics in future energy challenges.

Novel geophysical techniques will be needed to maximise output from conventional reserves and safely explore unconventional reserves. Once the deep reserves are depleted, the empty pore spaces in the rock could potentially be used to lock up carbon dioxide. A good understanding of geophysics will be needed both to meet our rising energy demands and to help mitigate the resulting environmental impact.

This workshop will identify and explore three key themes: hydrocarbon sources, renewable sources, and waste storage.


The conference will be held in the historical surroundings of the Geological Society, Burlington house, London. Register by the 7th of February and pay £20 as a student.

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Rosalie was the Himalayas Programme Officer for Geology for Global Development and writer for the GfGD blog. She is a geochemist and a postdoc at the University of Oxford.