EGU Blogs

EGU Blogs

Welcome New EGU Bloggers

The EGU blog network has been running for about 10 months and has been a great experience for me so far. The blog network has now expanded with 6 new blogs, covering a variety of topics, and I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome the new EGU bloggers! In no particular order they are:

1. Flo Bullough (@flo_dem) and Marion Ferrat (@mle_marion) will be writing about climate and environmental policy at Four Degrees

2. Laura Roberts (@LauRob85) and Daniel Schillereff (@dschillereff) will be blogging about Quaternary geoscience at Geology Jenga 

3. Will Morgan (@willtmorgan) will be writing about atmospheric science and aerosols at Polluting the Internet

4. Simon Redfern (@Sim0nRedfern) with be sharing all things mineralogy at An Atom’s-Eye View of the Planet 

5. Elspeth Robertson (@eamrobertson) and Charly Stamper (@C_Stamper) will be blogging about volcanology at Between a Rock and a Hard Place

6. Antonio Jordan will be spreading the soil science word at G-Soil

So pull up a chair everyone and grab a cup of coffee/tea. There is some reading to catch up on!!!!!


p.s. I don’t know why everyone’s twitter handles appear with strikethrough? They all still work.