EGU Blogs

Matt Herod

Matt Herod is a Ph.D Candidate in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Ottawa in Ontario, Canada. His research focuses on the geochemistry of iodine and the radioactive isotope iodine-129. His work involves characterizing the cycle and sources of 129I in the Canadian Arctic and applying this to long term radioactive waste disposal and the effect of Fukushima fallout. His project includes field work and lab work at the André E. Lalonde 3MV AMS Laboratory. Matt blogs about any topic in geology that interests him, and attempts to make these topics understandable to everyone. Tweets as @GeoHerod.

Geology Photo of the Week #19 – Jan 27 – Feb 2

Hi Everyone,

Sorry this post is a bit late. Things have been crazy the last few days in the lab. I am trying to get enough done in the next few weeks to submit an abstract to a conference and I still have quite a long way to go. The 19th photo of week was taken by me at the Hogan Sand Pit just north of Ottawa near Cantley, Quebec. It is a pretty interesting sedimentological feature called a “flame structure”. This feature forms underwater when the overlying pressure of the sediment above a lower unit, in the case it is sand over clay, forces the underlying unit upward. A good analogy for this is if you think about the plumes of sediment that fly up when you step in mud underwater. The downward pressure of your bodyweight forces the sediment to fly and curl upward. Obviously, this is an instantaneous process, whereas the one pictured occurred at a slower pace. However, the mechanism that creates the “flame” is the same.

In this case the sediments pictured are glacial outwash sediments deposited as the Laurentide Ice Sheet melted 10,000 years ago. It is interesting to note that the presence of a flame structure indicates that the sediments were deposited underwater in a pro-glacial lake setting as opposed to a sub-aerial outwash plain like a sandur. Furthermore, the interbedded nature of the sand and clay could used to interpret the sort of depositional conditions in front of the glacier.




Guest Lecture – Dr. Tim Lowenstein

Our department was recently lucky enough to have Dr. Tim Lowenstein from SUNY Binghamton come give a guest lecture on the changes in the chemistry of seawater throughout geologic time.

Originally, we thought that the major ion chemistry in the past was more or less the same as it is today. However, over the last 10 years this long standing belief has been challenged by many researchers and championed by Dr. Lowenstein. Honestly, when you see the changes in sea water chemistry over geologic time it is pretty mind blowing. Especially when these changes are related to some pretty important events in earth history. I know that the fact that the ocean is really important should not come as a surprise, but it is still amazing when you realize that small thinks like the concentration of magnesium relative to calcium can have a huge global impact.

I don’t want to steal Dr. Lowenstein’s thunder by revealing everything, but I would like to provide some of the key points of his talk and the paper’s that it came from, as well as the innovative methods that his lab uses to find these results.

The whole premise of this research is based on salt and more specifically, where does the salt come from and how does it change over time? The salt in the ocean comes from two main sources. The first is rivers. Rivers carry sediment and dissolved salts from weathering of the continent into the ocean. Should this input of salt to the ocean from the rivers of the world change, so would the salinity of the ocean. There is another important source as well: hydrothermal vents/black smokers/mid-ocean ridges. Basically, sea floor volcanic activity and spreading is responsible for dumping a lot of dissolved minerals and ions into the ocean. These two sources mix to create the salinity of the ocean and control the chemistry of seawater. Should these inputs change over time, so would the chemical composition of the oceans. This is not really that far-fetched an idea, but it is still catching on within the scientific community.

File:Sea salt-e-dp hg.svg

A good image showing both the modern salinity of sea water and the ionic composition of the salts. What if these proportions varied over time? (Source: Wikipedia)

In order to determine the chemistry of ancient seawater Dr. Lowenstein’s lab attempts to find places where seawater could have been trapped from its deposition to now. Obviously, this is a difficult task as there are very few ways to preserve water since, as we all know, it has a tendency to evaporate or flow away. To overcome this hurdle they use fluid inclusions in halite (salt) crystals.

This is pretty ingenious. Halite is formed from evaporating ocean water. As the crystals form they incorporate some of the water they’re forming from in tiny bubbles in the crystal structure, called fluid inclusions. This water is literally trapped forever, or until it is released by breaking the crystal. Therefore, in order to find old seawater all Dr. Lowenstein has to do is find old evaporite deposits, which are scattered all over the globe. I know of one that is Silurian in age not far from Ottawa, which means the fluid inclusions trapped in that halite are 445 million year old ocean water.

Halite from Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Mine in Rocanville, Saskatchewan, Canada (Source: Wikipedia)

Once the halite has been collected it is examined under a microscope for the fluid inclusions, which occur along growth lines in the crystal. If they are present, the crystal is placed inside a scanning electron microscope, frozen using liquid N and cleaved along the growth line, exposing the frozen fluid inclusion to the electron beam. The microscope is able to analyse the composition of the ice bubble by producing x-ray spectra that vary based on dissolved ions. This is done 5 times for each inclusion. Using this method Dr. Lowenstein has been able to analyze ancient water throughout the geologic time scale and as far back as 830 million years!!

The scanning electron microscope at the University of Ottawa. (Source)

So what are the results and implications of knowing how the composition of seawater changes over time?

Dr. Lowenstein proposes a link between the chemistry of seawater and the types of skeletons that coral and benthic organisms such as molluscs can form. It is common knowledge to those familiar with the fossil record that the skeletal composition of corals and other reef building organisms has changed over time between calcite and aragonite. These cycles operate on roughly 100-200 million year timescales and it was believed that they were due to changes in the major ion chemistry of seawater in the past. However, these ideas were based on the rock record, which is subject to major chemical change during lithification, and as such the smoking gun to prove this was missing. Enter Dr. Lowenstein. The measurements presented by Dr. Lowenstein in his talk and his paper in Science show that the fluctuations in ancient seawater chemistry correlate very well with the timing of the calcite and aragonite seas and greatly reinforce our understanding of how important the chemistry of seawater is to sustaining and controlling life.


A graph showing the timing of calcite and aragonite seas. The graph by Lowenstein uses actual measurements to substantiate the timing. (Source)

The biggest implication of understanding the history of seawater is the fact that we now know that seawater chemistry has changed! The oceans play such an integral role in sustaining life on Earth and controlling the climate that understanding this system and how it can change over geologic time is crucial to making future predictions about the ocean and how things like climate change or tectonism could affect it. It is no longer acceptable to just think of the ocean as a salty bowl of soup. Indeed, we must now think of it in terms of a fluctuating system that has profound and basic linkages to the way our planet operates.

Thanks for reading,



Lowenstein, T. K., Timofeeff, M. N., Brennan, S. T., Hardie, L. A., & Demicco, R. V. (2001). Oscillations in Phanerozoic seawater chemistry: evidence from fluid inclusions. Science (New York, N.Y.), 294(5544), 1086–8. doi:10.1126/science.1064280

Timofeeff, M. N., Lowenstein, T. K., Brennan, S. T., Demicco, R. V, Zimmermann, H., & Horita, J. (2008). Evaluating seawater chemistry from fluid inclusions in halite : Examples from modern marine and nonmarine environments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65(14), 2293–2300.

Geology Photo of the Week #19 – Jan 20-26

Wow! January is flying by! We are already in the last full week of January since next Friday is Feb 1. It has been a very busy first month of 2013 for me. My goal this semester is to finish my lab work by the summer, which would allow me to focus on writing the 4 papers that I have collected partial data for. These four are in varying degrees of completion from the merely conceptual to actually having a semi-outline written. However, they all have some lab work done and lots more remaining. They are all using completely separate datasets as well. This means I have about 50-60 water samples to extract iodine from and about the same number of soil samples…although I have to get my solid sample extraction method done. Happily, I think I can write a methodology paper from that work so that is some reward. But enough of me whining about my daunting workload. You came here because of the misleading title about some photo and I don’t want to disappoint.

Therefore, the photo of the week is of the accelerator part of the accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS). Pictured below is a 3 million volt particle accelerator that is located at IsoTrace the University of Ottawa’s AMS facility. It is getting up there in age, in fact it is well over 40 years old, but that does not mean it is garbage just yet. Although we are getting a new one next year.

The 3 million volt particle accelertor at IsoTrace that I do my analysis on. (Photo: Matt Herod)

The photo below is the part of the AMS that I have christened the “beverage section”. This is because of the coffee can that is attached to the machine. I don’t remember why it is there, but it does have a purpose. There are also tea strainers located there too, but they are not pictured. As anyone that has worked with older equipment knows it needs lots and lots of TLC and most older machines are duct taped and jerry rigged together in order to keep them working. The AMS is no exception.

The “beverage section” of the machine that goes to the high energy gas ionization detector for heavy isotopes. Yes, that is a coffee can attached the machine. From the perspective of the photo atoms are coming towards you. (Photo: Matt Herod)

Thanks for reading…now back to work (directed at me, not you)



Translate Radioisotope Hydrogeochemist – #1000simplewords

There is a new craze sweeping twitter…at least among those that I follow, which is mostly geoscientists. This is of course the #1000simplewords challenge. In essence the challenge is to explain your profession using only the 1000 most common words in the English language. The most complex/specific title that I could come up with for myself was radioisotope hydrogeochemist. What a mouthful of jargon! I have tried to simplify this in the paragraph below. If you would like to try it out for yourself go here. There is a nice little collection of job descriptions being posted at the Highly Allocthonous blog and that is great place to go see the attempts of others.

I have to say that this is not the easiest thing in the world. Words like earth, soil, rock are not allowed. Words that I take for granted when I describe what I do like: contaminant, groundwater, radioactive, analyze, etc. are all not allowed. This made the challenge a lot harder than I expected. It was also a very rewarding experience and got me thinking about what I do in the simplest terms possible, which was pretty eye opening.

 Water is every place and in everything. We need water to live and we use water to drink, make power and grow food. I study the amazing field of what is in our water. I look at where our water comes from, how it moves and if there is anything in our water that should not be there. I pick up water from all over the world and try to find out what is in it. If I find something that should not be in the water I try to explain how it got there and what we can do to clean it. I also use what I have learned to understand how bad things get in our water in the first place and how they move with the water. Knowing this can help us keep our water clean and how to keep bad things from hurting our water. Keeping our water clean is something that we should all care about and I try to talk about this with as many people as I can.

Cheers and let me know what you think of my attempt.
