EGU Blogs

Geology Photo of the Week #31/Science Travels

Sorry for the brief hiatus from blogging. This past week I was in Kenora and Dryden, Ontario getting into some great science outreach with an organization from uOttawa called Science Travels. Science Travels is a science outreach organization that sends science graduate students from the University of Ottawa and Carleton to northern communities to give presentations about a variety of science topics. This was my second Science Travels trip and it was a great one. I was teamed up with a neuroscientist, a chemist and a molecular biologist and together we gave talks on DNA, invasive species, the brain, chemistry, digestion, ecology and of course, geology! Throughout the week we presented 8 times per day and in total to well over 500 students. We were also lucky enough to present at three first nations reserves and it was a great experience to learn about first nations culture and present some science in some more isolated communities. It was a tiring week, but there is nothing better than than the feeling that the four of us may have gotten some kids interested in science or opened the door to a career that may not have been considered before.

Here is a map showing where we were. Kenora is the largest community nearby and has approximately 15,000 residents.

Click for larger image.


The photos for this week were kindly donated by my colleague Erin Adlakha from the University of Ottawa. They are some nice zoomed in microphotographs (XPL and PPL) of magnesiofoitite (alkali-deficient dravite) replacing dravite in basement metapelite below the Athabasca Basin.

Magnesiofoitite in XPL (Photo: Erin Adlakha)

Magnesiofoitite in PPL (Photo: Erin Adlakha)

Pretty amazing pics. I am trying to convince Erin to supply me with a few more so stay tuned for some more great photos from the Athabasca Basin.



Matt Herod is a Ph.D Candidate in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Ottawa in Ontario, Canada. His research focuses on the geochemistry of iodine and the radioactive isotope iodine-129. His work involves characterizing the cycle and sources of 129I in the Canadian Arctic and applying this to long term radioactive waste disposal and the effect of Fukushima fallout. His project includes field work and lab work at the André E. Lalonde 3MV AMS Laboratory. Matt blogs about any topic in geology that interests him, and attempts to make these topics understandable to everyone. Tweets as @GeoHerod.