This amazing picture above was taken by Mikhail Varentsov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. It can be found here. Mikhail writes “Melting summer sea ice is separated to pieces by the net of cracks, and their edges have amazing light-blue color, which is in contrast with white ice surface and deep blue sea water. Photo made during NABOS-2015 expedition.”
What this photo really reminds me of is the recent records relating to Arctic sea ice that have been broken. And, sadly, I don’t mean record highs. For a full discussion on Arctic sea ice status check out the Arctic Sea Ice blog. Long story short though this winter has broken all records for loss of Arctic sea ice, following last years record lows. These past two record breaking years are extremely alarming and the repercussions of such low levels of sea ice will be felt throughout the North and will affect the people and animals that rely on the sea ice.