I am furiously writing my Ph.D thesis at the moment. I am close to submitting. I swear! Although, everyone I know says I sound like a broken record when I say this.
Anyway, while I have been doing all this writing I haven’t had much time for blogging, for which I apologize. However, in the interest of breathing some life into this dusty old thing I have decided to re-introduce the photo of the week series. Only this time I’ll be mostly using pics from the EGU geology image repository Imaggeo. It’s fantastic and totally open access!
To get things started lets all admire this really cool example of long range dust transport from the Sahara desert to Greece. While this photo is at the micro scale. I can just imagine this same image as an aerial view of dust blowing across the ocean and the sand in the background as the coastline.

Photo: Konstantinos Kourtidis, Demokritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece Saharan dust was transported northwards, and is visible on this outdoor table in Xanthi, Northeastern Greece. The dust was brought down by a rain shower on the morning of the 23rd of March, and, as the rain evaporated, dust became visible on the objects the rain had fell on. (link)