

Artist in Residence – Plastic problems, hurdles, and nurdles

Artist in Residence – Plastic problems, hurdles, and nurdles

Microplastics are a big topic these days, so I take a look at some vital research… Plastic problems, hurdles, and nurdles A happy, healthy body has veins and arteries free from clogs and constrictions caused by build-up of lipid junk. This includes our external, shared body, a body on which we all rely, the landscape we live in. The veins and arteries of our landscape are rivers, clogged wit ...[Read More]

Artist in Residence – Kaleidoscopic ice

Artist in Residence – Kaleidoscopic ice

This one was a challenge to write, and a challenge to get my head around, but I was challenged to write it, so challenge accepted and challenge fulfilled! Kaleidoscope of ice Frozen water, mineral ice, a simple structure, orientation concise. A fabric is woven from many crystals intertwined, axes interlocked. C-axes, crystalline kaleidoscopes of greys, blues and whites, reflecting, refracting and ...[Read More]

Artist in Residence – Atmospheric rivers

Artist in Residence – Atmospheric rivers

With a name like “atmospheric rivers” this subject is an absolute gift to the poetically-inclined! Atmospheric rivers I float high in the sky, higher than the jagged, ice-hewn nunatak peaks I see below me as I peer over the side of my coracle made of clouds. Down there, beneath frayed candifloss, Greenland glows white in bright polar sunlight. My coracle bobs and sways as I go with the ...[Read More]

Artist in Residence – Deep time, deep circulation, deep thinking

Artist in Residence – Deep time, deep circulation, deep thinking

Concepts accepted in geology always have room for revision. In this case, time itself is revised! This one melted my brain a little. Deep time, deep circulation, deep thinking Plate tectonics, amongst the most evocative subjects in geology. The entire skin of the earth shifting and reorganising continuously, the most profound of motion. So deep and ancient, that humans struggle to understand it. E ...[Read More]