

Tuesday evening at EGU GA 2010

In addition to the medal talks and poster authors in attendance during time block 5 (17:30-19:00) several other events are going on this evening at the EGU GA 2010. Three Townhall Meetings: TM1 “The International Geosciences Initiative” in Room D, 17:30-19:00. TM2 “Implementing the INSPIRE European Directive in a geosciences perspective” in Room 6, 19:00-20:00. TM3 “J ...[Read More]

Tuesday at EGU GA 2010

Special Events at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010 on Tuesday, 4th May include 13 Medal Lectures and a Great Debate. Details can be found on the insert card provided with your name badge or on the EGU GA 2010 website. JAH

EGU Today Online Link

Each day EGU Today is available online as well as the paper copy handed out in the morning at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, it can be found on the EGU Media site. JAH

Photo Competition at EGU GA 2010

New to EGU this year is the Photo Competition. There are 11 entries on display in the Crystal Lounge on the First Floor (Green Level). Please vote for your favourite picture by using the voting terminals there. The deadline for voting for your favourite is Thursday, 6 May 2010 at 16:00. The 11 images are from locations from across the world, across the disciplines represented at the European Geosc ...[Read More]