The EGU General Assembly 2012 programme is available here. The scientific programme of the General Assembly 2012 includes Union Symposia, Interdivision Sessions, Educational and Outreach Symposia, as well as oral and poster sessions on disciplinary and interdisciplinary topics covering the full spectrum of the geosciences and the space and planetary sciences. Furthermore, Keynote and Medal Lecture ...[Read More]
Short courses at the 2012 General Assembly
There are nine short courses at the EGU General Assembly 2012. Short courses, of length ranging from 1.5 hours to a whole day, are opportunities to learn about a subject or further your knowledge in a particular area. The short courses at this year’s General Assembly are listed below. Some courses (SC5/HS11.1) may require contact with the convenors in advance of the GA. SC1/NP1.5 Shourt Cou ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Reflecting mountains in Sørfjorden, Norway
Located just southeast of Bergen on the Norwegian Atlantic coast, Hardangerfjorden is the third longest fjord in the world, measuring more than 170 km from the Atlantic Ocean to the Hardangervidda mountain plateau. Its longest branch, Sørfjorden, cuts 50 km from the main fjord and ends at Odda. Geormorphologist Martin Mergili visited the area in 2008, following the 33rd International Geological Co ...[Read More]
Join the EGU Blog Network!
To complement our official blog, we are launching a blog network related to the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. If you are a scientist who likes blogging about your research, or about geosciences in general, we would like to hear from you. In a few months, the EGU blog will migrate from WordPress to the EGU website, and we would like to have other bloggers joining us within an EGU Blog Netwo ...[Read More]