In Zurich, Switzerland, June is often the wettest month of the year. Summer thunderstorms that give clouds a purple-grey colour and bright up the skies with strong lightning bolts are common place. This picture, taken by Ryan Teuling from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, captures one of these bolts, lighting up the centre of the city.Teuling took this photo in June 2008 when he worked at ...[Read More]
Register for the EGU General Assembly 2012
Online registration to the 2012 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is open until 22 March 2012. The meeting, taking place in Vienna from 22–27 April, brings together over 10,000 scientists from all over the world and covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. To register, you will need to create an account with Copernicus, our meeting’s organiser, if ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: El Tatio geyser field
Excursions following scientific conferences often give researchers a chance to observe geosciences phenomena in remote areas. That was the case for Simon Gascoin, from the Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère in Toulouse, France who got to photograph geysers in a Chilean desert after the EGU Alexander von Humboldt conference in Santiago de Chile in late 2008. “The picture shows the El T ...[Read More]
Become a freelance writer for the EGU newsletter!
Interested in science writing? Are you looking to get published and get paid for it? Keep reading. The newsletter of the European Geosciences Union, currently known as The Eggs, is a magazine and information service distributed for free to all EGU members — around 12,000 scientists. It will be rebranded and relaunched in late February or early March with a new layout, content structure, and name: ...[Read More]