

Join the EGU Blog Network!

To complement our official blog, we are launching a blog network related to the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. If you are a scientist who likes blogging about your research, or about geosciences in general, we would like to hear from you. In a few months, the EGU blog will migrate from WordPress to the EGU website, and we would like to have other bloggers joining us within an EGU Blog Netwo ...[Read More]

Geosciences Column: Promise and challenges of space elevators for tourism

From Star Trek to Arthur C. Clarke, machines that carry humans into space inside a cable-driven chamber – space elevators – have remained in the realm of science fiction. However, recently a Japanese construction company revealed it has aspirations to actually build such a device, claiming it could be operational as early as 2050. Despite assurances from its backers, the project remains scientific ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Open pit in Mirny, Siberia

This former open-pit diamond mine is currently the second largest excavated hole in the world. After diamond was discovered in there in 1955, the area became the first and largest diamond mine in the Soviet Union, producing up to 2,000 kg of diamond per year during the 1960s. Its surface operations continued until 2001 and the mine was permanently shut in 2011. This photo was taken on 22 July 2008 ...[Read More]

Science bloggers: join the 2012 General Assembly blogroll!

Will you be blogging at the 2012 EGU General Assembly? Sign up here and we’ll add you to our official blogroll. Like last year, a list (“blogroll”) of General Assembly related blogs will be compiled and made available. The content of each blog on this list is the responsibility of the authors and is not sanctioned by the EGU, but we’d ask you to write posts directly related ...[Read More]