

Imaggeo on Mondays: Crater lake

At the border between the Pacific and Australian plates, crossed by the Pacific Ring of Fire, New Zealand is one of the most geologically active countries in the world. Volcanoes abound in this island-country, which contains the “world’s strongest concentration of youthful rhyolotic volcanoes“, and earthquakes are a frequent presence. Mount Ruapehu, a stratovolcano located in the ...[Read More]

Competition: Design an EGU infographic!

Infographics, images containing graphics, text, and statistics, are increasingly being used to share complex scientific concepts with a wider audience. They are powerful communication tools because they can be spread virally across social networks, furthering the public understanding of important areas within the geosciences, including climate change, natural resources, and the solar system. To ce ...[Read More]

Submit your abstract to the 2013 EGU General Assembly!

The call for papers for the 2013 EGU General Assembly (7-12 April, Vienna, Austria) is now open. To submit your abstract, please browse through the sessions on the Programme  and use the “Abstract Submission” link corresponding to the session you’d like to submit your paper to. You will be asked to log in to the Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer, for which you will need your Co ...[Read More]

EGU Outreach Committee meets in Tuscany, Italy

Members of the Munich-based Executive Office recently met with other members of the EGU Outreach Committee just outside Pisa, Italy, to brainstorm about the Union’s various outreach activities. The two-day meeting, led by Chairman of the EGU Outreach Committee Niels Hovius, was held primarily to establish a coherent long- and short-term outreach plan for the Union, some of which will be cove ...[Read More]