

How interviews of famous geologists can help you learn more about geosciences

Today’s guest post comes from Daniel Minisini, a geologist with a passion for filming and philosophy who created a resource for the geosciences community called In this post, he tells us a bit more about the website, and the inspiration behind the interviews he conducts and posts online. Hi! I am Daniel, a sedimentologist and stratigrapher trained as a marine geologist by my ...[Read More]

Drill cores and climate: An EGU 2012 poster presentation

In the past few weeks, we have been publishing various reports from the 2012 General Assembly, courtesy of our guest bloggers. Today, we bring you yet another report, in video format this time, produced by the lovely Sue Voice who worked at the press office in Vienna. The video features Otago University’s Christian Ohneiser talking about his PhD project. Christian tells Sue how drill cores, ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Burst

This photo won 2nd Prize at the 2012 General Assembly photo competition and, according to the photographer, Melissa S. Bukovsky, epitomises the idea that an expensive camera is not a necessity for taking great photos. “You just need to know how to use what you have. I travel with a point and shoot that fits in my back pocket,” she explains. Currently a Project Scientist at the National ...[Read More]

Publications by the EGU

Since 2001, the EGU and Open Access publishing house Copernicus Publications has published a growing number of successful geoscientific journals. These include 14 peer-reviewed Open Access journals, of which 11 have a Thomson Reuters Impact Factor, placing them in the top echelon of their respective discipline. EGU also publishes a host of other materials available in paper and online. As a signat ...[Read More]