Convening a session at a conference can seem daunting, especially if you are an early career research and a first-time convener. That’s why we’ve put together this two part series to outline the main steps of the process, with more detailed instructions to be published on the 2016 EGU General Assembly in due course. Remember, the call for sessions is open until 18 September 2015! This post picks u ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Electron cloud gone wrong

Deciphering the past history of rocks and what they might reveal about the Earth’s future is a key part of geology, and tools such as Ion Probes can be used by Earth Scientists to extract valuable information about a rock’s past. Today’s Imaggeo on Monday’s image was acquired by Sarah Glynn, a researcher at the University of the Witwatersrand, in South Africa, who was analysing a potential calcite ...[Read More]
Meet the EGU’s new Science Policy Fellow
I seem to have moved to Munich at the perfect time – glorious weather and three weeks before Oktoberfest! My name is Sarah and I’ve joined EGU as their Science Policy Fellow – a position created to implement science-policy related activities for EGU scientists. Before Munich, I studied a Masters in Chemistry at the University of York, which included my final year being spent in industry working in ...[Read More]
Geosciences Column: The Oldest Eurypterid

The name of a newly found fossil of sea scorpion draws inspiration from ancient Greece warships and is a unique example of exceptional preservation, shedding light on the rich life of this bygone sea critter, explains David Marshall of Palaeocast fame. To learn more about the importance of giving new fossils names and what Pentecopterus decorahensis (as the new fossil is formally called) teaches u ...[Read More]