

Abstract deadline for EGU 2016 fast approaching: A first-timer’s guide to the 2015 General Assembly

Abstract deadline for EGU 2016 fast approaching: A first-timer’s guide to the 2015 General Assembly

Are you considering attending the upcoming EGU General Assembly in Vienna? The conference brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences.. This year, the meeting will be held from the 17 to 22 April at the Austria Centre Vienna. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is upon us, closing next Wednesday t ...[Read More]

Job opportunity at the EGU General Assembly: press assistant

Job opportunity at the EGU General Assembly: press assistant

We have a vacancy for an early career science communicator or science journalism student in Europe to work at the press office of the 2016 General Assembly, which is taking place in Vienna, Austria, from 17–22 April. Applications from geosciences students with science communication experience are also welcome. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from people with experience in ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: night cap over Mt. Fuji

Imaggeo on Mondays: night cap over Mt. Fuji

The first Imaggeo on Monday’s post of 2016 is quite spectacular! It features a lenticular cloud capping the heights of Mount Fuji, in Japan. Erricos Pavlis writes this post and describes how the unusual cloud formation comes about and why Mt. Fuji is such a prime place to catch a glimpse of this meteorological phenomena. Mount Fuji at more than 3700 m is one of the highest volcanoes in the w ...[Read More]