

GeoPolicy: Science Activism vs. Science Advice – choosing your path to policy impact

GeoPolicy: Science Activism vs. Science Advice – choosing your path to policy impact

Science is a vital part of the policymaking process. It enables decision-makers to better understand the policy options that they have and the potential consequences of any actions or inaction. While it is just one factor that policymakers should consider during their decision-making process, it is an important one! This month’s GeoPolicy blog post will explore two different approaches that scient ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: High amplitude ‘V-shaped’ kink fold with axial plane cleavage

Imaggeo On Monday: High amplitude ‘V-shaped’ kink fold with axial plane cleavage

The Himalayan-Tibetan orogeny has been considered the youngest collisional fold belt in the Earth and a classic example of intercontinental collision orogeny. It is comprised of different litho-tectonic units manifested by normal/thrust faults and suture zones (Valdiya, K.S., 1977). The Himalayan region has experienced multifaced deformation, spectacular rock assemblages with high-pressure-tempera ...[Read More]

100 years since we learned dinosaurs laid eggs, what do we know now?

100 years since we learned dinosaurs laid eggs, what do we know now?

In July 1923, 100 years ago this month, scientists and explorers made an extraordinary discovery that forever changed our view of dinosaurs. An expedition to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia unearthed fossilized dinosaur eggs, in a nest, confirming that dinosaurs laid eggs like the reptiles that scientists at the time thought dinosaurs were. The find was announced in newspapers at the time, to much fan ...[Read More]

You can shape the EGU24 programme by organising a session!

You can shape the EGU24 programme by organising a session!

Most people know that the EGU General Assembly is Europe’s largest geoscientific conference bringing together Earth, planetary, and space scientists from all over the world. But did you know that YOU can take an active part in organising its scientific programme? From now until 14 September 2023, we are accepting proposals for scientific sessions, Union Symposia, Great Debates, and Short Courses & ...[Read More]