

Geotalk: EGU President Helen Glaves on celebrating 20 years of the Union

Geotalk: EGU President Helen Glaves on celebrating 20 years of the Union

Hi Helen, thank you for agreeing to do this interview! Before we dive in deeper, could you please introduce yourself and your role for our readers? I am a geologist by background having started my career with the British Geological Survey in the UK over 30 years ago. In that time, I have had several roles including as a coastal geologist, geoinformatics specialist, and most recently working on dat ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Philippe Courtial, Executive Secretary, reflects on 20 years of EGU!

GeoTalk: Philippe Courtial, Executive Secretary, reflects on 20 years of EGU!

Hi Philippe, could you please introduce yourself and your role for our readers? Thank you for inviting me today to provide this contribution as part of this celebration of the EGU 20th anniversary. Being fascinated by the geological features and the beauty of the minerals since my early age, I had the opportunity to study Geology. I completed my PhD at the Institut de Physique du Globe in Paris on ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: meet Jarmo Kikstra, researcher in energy transition under climate change!

Jarmo Kikstra

Hello Jarmo. Thank you for joining us for the interview today! Before we put our foot on the gas, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your research? Hi Simon, nice to meet you! Thanks for inviting me to chat with you about my research, and perhaps a bit about the person behind this research – it’s an honour! The basics; I was born in the Netherlands and lived in South Korea, the UK, ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: meet Abraham Dabengwa, Early Career savanna conservationist!

Abraham Dabengwa

Hello Abraham. Thank you for speaking with us today! Could you tell our readers a bit about yourself and your research? Thanks, Simon! It’s a pleasure to be invited to share about my work. Well, where do I begin? For starters, I’m a Genus Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. I describe myself as an early-career African ecologist with a keen inte ...[Read More]