Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology
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Metwally Hamza

Egyptian Geologist

Granite Rocks: Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Textures, Types, Main Varieties, Uses, and More

Granite Rocks: Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Textures, Types, Main Varieties, Uses, and More

Granite is a coarse-grained, crystalline, plutonic, felsic, and acidic igneous rock. It contains more than 66% of silica “SiO2”, and about 14.42% of alumina “Al2O3”. The quartz makes up 10% : 50% of the whole rock. The alkali feldspars range from 65% to 90% of the entire rock. It’s leucocratic “light-colored”. The equivalent volcanic rock of granite is rhyolite. The melting point of most dry grani ...[Read More]