This blog post is part of our series: “Highlights” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily (eb2043@cam.ac.uk) or Emma (elodes@asu.edu), if you’d like to contribute on this topic or others.
Here at the EGU Geomorphology Division Blog, we’re starting up the New Year with a look forward to the highlight of our annual calendar: the EGU General Assembly, 27th April – 2nd May 2025. The deadline to get your abstracts in is Wednesday 15th January 2025, 13:00 Central European Time, with all the information and submission pages available on the EGU25 website. Closer to April, don’t forget to check out and register for the Steepest Descent meeting happening on April 27th (a whole day focused on the geomorphology community and extra keynote speakers!).
EGU25 Conveners have been diligently advertising sessions across all the possible mailing lists, so it’s likely you’ve already come across many of the sessions being prepared. Here we’ve gathered up a list of Geomorphology events happening throughout EGU25. Closer to the conference when the schedule is available, look out for the GM Division President’s handy 1-page schedule of geomorphology-related events!
First of all, and most important for abstract submission, the whole array of interesting geomorphology-related scientific sessions are available on the EGU website (you can filter your search by ‘Geomorphology (GM)’ under ‘Disciplinary Sessions’). Had we included the full list here it would fill several pages, so there definitely must be a session for your science topic!
Another aspect of the General Assembly is of course the Short Courses and Workshops, which the division teams have been planning since August. If you haven’t been to EGU before, or haven’t attended in a while, check out “How to navigate EGU: tips and tricks”, there are also discussions on progress and challenges in the geoscience community for different identity groups (e.g., LGBTQIA+, Parents), and sessions on climate activism, programming and data visualization, AI tools and challenges, science communication, and a 3-part series of ‘Meet the Editors’ (Part 1&2, Part 3). Geomorphology-specific short courses cover topics such as Geodesy 101, Geostatistics, Environmental DNA, and Permafrost Databases.
Two other geomorphology highlights of the week will be the Ralph Alger Bagnold Medal Lecture by awardee Christopher D. Clark, and the GM Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture by Jana Eichel. These award lectures always offer an interesting deep-dive into a career in Geomorphological research and excellence – and usually some free food and a chance to socialize afterwards!
In April, look to your inboxes for information on other programming organized by the GM division team, including mixers, workshops and social events that we’re currently planning! And don’t forget to check out the other interesting events at EGU 2025 including Union Symposia and Great Debates!
Other geomorphology events coming up this year to get on your calendars:
Landscapes Live seminars (~weekly on Thursdays beginning in Spring)
Women advancing river research (WARR) seminars (~monthly)
International Geomorphology Week (March 1st – 7th)
RCEM 2025 – “Symposium on River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics” (September 1 – 5th, abstracts due Jan 31st)
IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology (September 16 – 18th, abstracts due Feb 28th)
Got an event to share with the geomorphology community? Let us know and we’ll add it here.
Wishing you all the best for 2025!
Your EGU Blog Editors